Staphylococcus refers to a disease or infection caused by bacteria in the

skin or nose area.This type of infection can be a minor disease but can

become deadly if it enters the bloodstream, heart,

lungs and joints. Staph infection comes in form of boil around the under arm, buttocks  and

groins. They are reddish pus-filled blisters. Staph bacteria can survive for a long time, living

and been carried around by a person unknowingly. A person can be infected in the

following ways;

     1.   Contact with the fluid from the boil of an infected person.

     2.   Sharing of towels.

     3.   Uniforms.

     4.   The type of tampons used.

     5.   Food preparation that is not well sanitized.

     6.   Wounds and injuries on skin.

     7.   Sharp objects.

     8.   Equipment.

     9.   Razor.

People at risk of contacting staph infection includes;

     1.   People that has respiratory sickness.

     2.   People requiring dialysis from kidney failure.

     3.   People undergoing chemotherapy.

     4.   Diabetes patient.

     5.   Poor immune system.

     6.   Injured or wounded skin.

     7.   Living with AIDS.

Symptoms of staphylococcus infection either minor or severe is as follows;

     1.   Diarrhea.

     2.   Vomting.

     3.   Fever.

     4.   Blisters filled with pus.

     5.   Red painful skin.

     6.   Dehydration.

     7.   Septic arthritis (Joint swelling).

     8.   Ache in some muscle area.

     9.   Pain in the abdominal.

Staph infection can be prevented in the ways below;

     1.   Dress and cover wounds and injuries properly.

     2.   Avoid sharing things (Razor, towel).

     3.   Use warm or hot water to wash your bedding and cloth.

     4.   Reduce the use of tampons and replace regularly. Also dispose properly.

     5.   Wash hands regularly with hand friendly soap.

     6.   Sanitize properly before food preparation.

Visit your doctor immediately if symptoms is noticed.


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